Safari season is in full-swing here in Luangwa, with the best months of the year split evenly behind us and still to come. I am just back from a safari in the central area of the South Luangwa National Park with a great group of 6 from the USA. Here follows a brief report from the trip as I begin again tomorrow with a new group from England. We will be staying at Flatdogs Camp and Nsefu Camp – you can read more about trips that I run from these camps on my Safaris Page.

Two large male lions rise from resting positions in South Luangwa National Park.
Garlic and Ginger rise from resting positions to wander past our vehicle. Ginger is a very unusual lion in having a pigmentation condition called erythrism. It’s a rare melanin abnormality that causes him to have no black markings at all – his tail tip, nose, gums and ears are totally orange! The golden lion of South Luangwa!

Two male giraffes get themselves in a tangle during a gentle sparring session.
Because everyone needs some giraffe antics in their lives! These two giraffes were sparring gently on the sand one morning, and the larger male continually tried to lift the younger one’s leg off the ground with his neck!

4 elephants feed in a dambo, surrounded by Luangwas magnificent trees.
With this group, we spent time trying to compose pleasing images that were more than simply portraits. Including the background and surrounding trees is much more challenging, but when done successfully, it’s very rewarding.

Lucy, the daughter of famous Alice rests in a tree at last light.
Using a gentle spotlight, in combination with the existing light at dusk, gives a natural looking night portrait without the starkness of many spotlit images.

Giraffes cross the river in the crisp morning sunlight of a South Luangwa morning.
Using their favourite crossing point, a giraffe herd crosses Luangwa and joins us in the park.

Marabout storks search for fish in the drying lagoons.
Marabout storks search for fish in the drying lagoons……

Marabout storks search for fish in the drying lagoons.
…..and fight over each other’s catches!

Giraffes bathed in soft golden afternoon light of Luangwa Wafwa area.
One afternoon, we found giraffes in the kind of soft light that we dream of!

Giraffes bathed in soft golden afternoon light of Luangwa Wafwa area.
Just as the sun was setting, a shaft of light hit two giraffes, illuminating them perfectly, while the rest of the scene was in soft blue shadow. Knowing to underexpose – to retain the darker background – I created a special, almost unreal scene.

it was a pleasure guiding this group and I wish them all the best for their onward travels in Zambia! Kathy, Gordon, Kathy, Don, Bev and Bob – thank you, it was a lot of fun!

As I look forward to September and October, I wonder what the Luangwa will give us this season. Year on year, Luangwa was delivered outstanding sightings which still keep me, as a 10 year resident, coming back for more!