Zambia is encouraging social distancing, in line with most other countries across the world. We are not yet facing lock-down since cases appear to be very low and not increasing….we sincerely hope that this is not due to under-reporting or mis-representation. However, as family, we are not taking any chances and are imposing our own self-isolation, at least until the situation is clearer.

We are fortunate to be able to access the National Park without interacting with anyone else, so we have been visiting on a daily basis. This is a wonderful privilege, but also serves an important function: with almost no visitors to the National Park, law enforcement operations have fewer eyes on the ground to report poaching-related incidents. The more people who visit the park, the better chance we have of protecting the wildlife.

Every week or so, I’ll do a brief round up of the sightings from the National Park. Of course, not all wildlife encounters make good photos, so these are just the sightings where I took photos. I hope you enjoy these brief updates from the South Luangwa:

Wildlife image from photo safari with edward selfe.

Trialling the long-lens capabilities of my new 200-400mm f4 EXT lens on a very compliant zebra!

Wildlife image from photo safari with edward selfe.

A backlit wild dog surveys a herd of impala in the long grass…

Wildlife image from photo safari with edward selfe.

….later we found a second park of dogs (21 dogs in one day!) checking out the scent marks left by the first pack!

Wildlife image from photo safari with edward selfe.

Wonderful post-sunset glow.

Wildlife image from photo safari with edward selfe.

An elephant bull, shot at -1 stop exposure compensation to counteract the effect of the very dark, dramatic shadows.

Wildlife image from photo safari with edward selfe.

The same young bull challenged a mating pair of lions, chasing both the female….

Wildlife image from photo safari with edward selfe.

….and the male in quick succession!

Wildlife image from photo safari with edward selfe.

Little bee-eaters enjoying the abundant insects at this time of year….

Wildlife image from photo safari with edward selfe.

…and wire-tailed swallows pause briefly to preen and court.

Wildlife image from photo safari with edward selfe.

A late afternoon leopard sighting challenged my high-ISO performance, but gave us some stunning viewing.

Wildlife image from photo safari with edward selfe.

Wildlife image from photo safari with edward selfe.

Elephant herds are widely scattered through the park, enjoying the endless vegetation and access to water.

Wildlife image from photo safari with edward selfe.

Wildlife image from photo safari with edward selfe.

A flight of yellow-billed storks returns to their colony in the Nsefu Sector where they have left well-grown chicks.

Wildlife image from photo safari with edward selfe.

Testing the 200-400mm f4 EXT’s capabilities with both a 1.4x TC and the internal 1.4x TC installed. This shot at 784mm f8…. Very sharp results!

More coming next week and other blog entries, on various topics, in the meantime. Thanks for following along – always grateful for your support and I look forward to seeing you in the bush when we emerge from this challenging period.