My apologies for a long silence – the early part of the season is always very busy with starting up, and this year has been especially so because we’ve been opening a new camp. Nkhonzi Camp is up and running; a rustic bush camp in a remote area offering real bush immersion and tranquility. We have access to the main game viewing area where safaris have been conducted for many years and there is endless habituated game, but we can also take safaris into less well-used areas, including the dry-river tributaries of the Luangwa, which offer opportunities for different game sightings and varied habitats. So far, it has been a great success with lots of happy visitors – and many more to come…..for a first season, Nkhonzi has great bookings and we’re looking forward to a successful season. I have yet to take some photos of the camp, but will do on my next visit, so some will appear here soon.

With my photographic hat on, I have also been busy with several assignments. Flatdogs Camp – one of the operators that I use for my safaris – have recently finished a brand new house called the Crocodile Nest. It’s right on the river, with its own pool and stunning views. They asked me to do some photos for their website and marketing. Here is a small selection. You can find out more about Flatdogs’ Croc Nest here –