Andre has travelled with me once before and was returning this time to see the Luangwa’s Emerald Season. He’s a skilled and experienced photographer with many destinations in his travel history. But Zambia drew him back and we enjoyed a fun 12 days in the bush. Below are a few words from him about the trip and then a link to the album on his website:

Finally my Emerald Season safari, planned in 2019 and Covid-postponed multiple times, took place.

It was my first safari during this period of the year when the rains have stopped (well, almost, as we caught a few scattered showers) and the bush is breathing with life.. It was again Zambia with Edward Selfe Photo Safaris in South Luangwa.

From my photos, you can see that Emerald Season is really different. After the rains, the vegetation is green and lush, the grass is tall and the water is plentiful. Courtships are everywhere and the youngsters are playful.

Ideal conditions for wildlife and, at the same time, some challenges (and opportunities) for photographers.

One negative aspect: not allowed a drop of alcohol after a recent illness, I was deprived of traditional gin & tonic during sundowners; well, a sundowner without G&T is like sundown without sun.

I hope this small sample from nearly 10k photos taken over the span of these two weeks will, at least partially, render the uniqueness of this very special season (well, every season is special) that allows the flora and fauna to confront and survive the dry and hot conditions that they will face soon.

And thanks to Edward Selfe for his usual excellent guiding, tracking and photographic coaching.

Wildlife images from South Luangwa by Andre Erlich

Thanks Andre – I look forward to another trip with you sometime!