Allan and Raelene joined me on safari in September as part of a long trip through various safari destinations in East and Southern Africa. Allan was – by his own admission – new to photography, but took on board any advice that was offered and made good progress even during the week he was with me. Here I share only his photos from Luangwa and it’s clear that he developed a very good understanding of how to get the best from his camera!

We are glad we stayed in Zambia with you as our first stop as your help and advice on all aspects of photography was invaluable particularly your help with my new toy, the Nikon D5. You stand out as a guide and mentor with your understanding of all aspects of photography and knowledge of the local area. It was very noticeable that you were always able to find the “best spot” and lighting conditions to give us beginners the best chance of some great photographs. If you are still in the safari business when we return to Africa, we will certainly do a safari with you again!