Tourism operators in wilderness areas are often involved in lots of excellent community and conservation work. As well as being the right thing to do, it also protects the future of the wild areas on which they depend and helps local people to derive a benefit from protecting the same resource.

What most operators are very bad at is sharing the information about what they do! The reports are piecemeal, incomplete and often don’t reach the officials who need to see them. In the Luangwa Valley, operators have come together to produce a magazine that outlines and records all the community & conservation work that has been done.

This production – which has an introduction written by Kenneth Kaunda, Zambia’s first President – will be a reference for local officials, visitors and local Chiefs for many years to come.

You can read the e-version of the magazine here. With grateful thanks to Gid Carr from Makolekole Drilling for hundreds of hours of work compiling the magazine and to Andrew Muswala for arranging the printing.

Cover of the 2019 community and conservation south luangwa magazine.

Click the image to visit the e-version of the magazine.