I have been writing this blog for nearly 10 years. It has given me a chance to offer a view into the world where I live, share my perspectives and promote what I do. It has also introduced me to a large following of fellow nature-lovers.

I get to know some of you when you email for further information about a particular topic, or to ask about where and how to book a safari. And regularly I cross paths in the bush with someone who tells me that they are using my camera set-up for night photos, or that an article I wrote about carmine bee-eaters inspired them to come to the Luangwa in the first place. And then there are those who travel with me, who I get to know best of all and I’ve shared some very happy times on safari with my guests this year, as in all years.

So whether I know you from one safari, or many safaris; or whether we just crossed paths somewhere; or if you regularly offer comments on my blog; or even if you are just a silent observer, I would like to offer a sincere thank you for following my journey and being a part of it. Kirstie, Sukey and I wish you all a very Happy Christmas.