While going through my portfolios from 2015, in readiness for my annual “Year in Review” post (coming soon!), I came across a few images from a safari in April that I had overlooked. I remember the safari well – buckets of great sightings, the drama of 10 Italian men in a camp for a week!, and loads of rain – but I also remember that I went on holiday with my family the day after it finished so I think I never really spent time looking through my photos.

So here are a few photos from the early dry season 2015….I love that time of year. Beginning to dry up, the nights are cool, and there’s the promise of a whole season ahead. There is much to report from 2015, which will be coming soon.

This beautiful scene is classic of the early dry season. Storm clouds in the background (will they, won’t they?) and beautiful light on the subjects.

This young leopard gave me quite a run-around. I knew that there was a leopard around because there was activity from the hyaenas and chattering squirrels, but it took me a while to find him as he was well hidden.

And my favourite of the batch, an elephant calf bravely preparing to cross a flooded gully….

…..while a Lilac-breasted Roller mocks him from a nearby tree!