I have just returned from a 4-week safari in the South Luangwa, Lower Zambezi and Kafue National Parks. With 2 guests, we visited 7 camps across 26 nights and enjoyed spectacular sightings on a daily basis. I feel so fortunate to have been able to run this trip at this time and my thanks are due to Tom and Kent who overcame the obstacles to come on safari with me.

A full report is coming in the next couple of weeks but, for now, just a taster of some of the sightings that we had over the last 4 weeks!

If you are an Instagram user, you can visit my profile page, and click on the Story Highlight icons to go through my daily updates from this trip. You will find all the daily slides saved in the 5 highlight icons just below my Bio information.

But now, for some pics!

Wildlife image from a photo safari with edward selfe.

Wildlife image from a photo safari with edward selfe.

Wildlife image from a photo safari with edward selfe.

Wildlife image from a photo safari with edward selfe.

Wildlife image from a photo safari with edward selfe.

Wildlife image from a photo safari with edward selfe.

Wildlife image from a photo safari with edward selfe.

Wildlife image from a photo safari with edward selfe.

Wildlife image from a photo safari with edward selfe.

Wildlife image from a photo safari with edward selfe.

Wildlife image from a photo safari with edward selfe.

Wildlife image from a photo safari with edward selfe.

Wildlife image from a photo safari with edward selfe.

Wildlife image from a photo safari with edward selfe.

Wildlife image from a photo safari with edward selfe.

Wildlife image from a photo safari with edward selfe.

Wildlife image from a photo safari with edward selfe.