My apologies for my long silence. Any of you who follow my FB page will know that 6 weeks ago, my daughter Sukey was born, so I’ve been a little busy!

Here’s a recent photo of Sukey with Kirstie while we were on holiday in Cornwall, and one of me with her on the beach.

But onto other things. I have managed to find some time to get out and about with my camera while there’s been some lovely weather in this country. I was out with my Dad last week and we had a fantastic evening; it all happened quite late in the evening, so the light was poor, but we found this beautiful pheasant with very unusual markings:

And this Roe buck who ran from us initially and stood on the skyline, but then lay down in the middle of a field and watched us for a while.

Astonishingly, because we’d carefully considered the wind direction, he then began to approach us and came to within 10m of our concealed position, before getting our scent and rushing off!

These images are full-frame with no crop applied!