I was working through some images for an article I am writing for a magazine and I found the image below which brought a big smile to my face! I remember – like it was yesterday – the lead up to it and I think it nicely illustrates the way in which I work with my guests on safari.

Wildlife image from photo safari with edward selfe in south luangwa national park.

We had enjoyed an incredible 14 day safari and there seemed little left that could wow us! So we spent long periods on sightings, taking in the behaviour, watching for the perfect moment and soaking up the scenes. On this final evening, we set off to the river, hoping to have a sundowner and the possibility of some elephants crossing the water.

When we arrived, there was our herd of elephants! Good start! But immediately, all their trunks went into the air and I realised that we were upwind and this particular herd weren’t going to tolerate us getting too close! So we stopped far away and we lined up some options with the stunning hills in the background.

As they emerged from the water, I saw that something didn’t look right. We couldn’t see their legs as they were hidden behind the sand bar! Advising the guests quickly to climb onto the top row of seats (we were far away from the elephants so we weren’t going to alarm them) we saw that their legs appeared from behind the sand. As the pink light lit up the hills, the elephants dropped into some shade, but their shapes were enough to seal the image perfectly.

Wildlife image from photo safari with edward selfe in south luangwa national park.

This had been an epic safari and I was thrilled to finish it off with such a sighting where all the elements of a great photo come together….with a G&T in hand!! To the Marianos team (the Africa 8!) I look forward to seeing you later this year in Luangwa and then in Botswana next year!