I am mid-way through a long safari with Steve and Peter. After 5 nights in the central Mfuwe area, we are now at our second camp, exploring the sights around Chichele Lodge.

A full trip report will follow, but here’s a summary of what we’ve been doing over the last week.

A yellow baboon observes a nearby leopard in South Luangwa National Park
Baboons jumped onto fallen trees when their colleagues sounded the alarm nearby. We soon caught up with the leopard….

A leopard in South Luangwa National Park
….which obligingly walked right towards us and round the vehicle!

A leopard in South Luangwa National Park

A juvenile Pels Fishing Owl in South Luangwa National Park
After a bit of sleuthing, I tracked down this Pel’s Fishing Owl who was resting on a creeper, waiting for Mum & Dad to return with something to eat.

A male leopard resting in a tree in South Luangwa National Park
The following day, distant monkey alarm calls led me to this resting male leopard. We sat with him for about 90 minutes, waiting for the light to improve and for him to stretch and start moving.

Grey Crowned Cranes in South Luangwa National Park
Early in the morning, we spotted these Crowned Cranes so found an area of low ground to photograph them against the sunrise.

Elephants in South Luangwa National Park
An elephant huddle one afternoon in the open grasslands.

A vulture landing on a carcass in South Luangwa National Park
At an elephant carcass, we spent a bit of time shooting vultures as they came in to land among the melee!

That’s all for now….more in a couple of days… We are off to Mana Pools on Wednesday where the connection may be patchy!