Photographers often use black and white conversions to add dramatic impact to scenes where the colours are either poor or not important. Monochrome conversions – when used appropriately – generate some of the most impressive wildlife images of all. Given that Nature is full of wonderful colours, it’s pretty clear that monochrome is a powerful technique that delivers stunning images even the colour has been removed.

Over the years here, I have made many hundreds of black & white images, usually imagining the image in monochrome in the field and then running the conversion in LightRoom later. This method preserves the colour detail (in case you change your mind later!) and also allows for better black and white conversions.

So, I won’t say any more, but just leave you with 10 monochrome scenes from the Luangwa

Elephant and calf in South Luangwa National Park

Buffalo herd coming to drink water from the river in South Luangwa National Park.

Sneaky leopard crosses against the light of another vehicles spotlight in South Luangwa National Park.

A lioness eyes up an elephant calf in South Luangwa National Park

Impalas feed quietly in South Luangwa National Park

Impalas browse ebony fruits from the ground in South Luangwa National Park

Kudu bulls observe the camera in South Luangwa National Park

A flight of Crowned Cranes in South Luangwa National Park

A lone elephant cow feeds on herbs in the munga woodland in South Luangwa National Park