So, I’ve been back from North Luangwa for a few days, but have been busy with lots of projects. More to follow. But first, the second part of the story from North Park.

Last time, I posted only images of wildlife, so I thought I would start with some shots of the team on location!

Dobbin, my old vehicle from 1978 was a bit of a favourite with the crew, so they decided that it should be the vehicle used to transport the presenters, and it will feature prominently in the film. Here she is in her natural habitat.

Pete the cameraman and me, the guide.

We had some epic sightings, many of which I can’t share with you as I suspect they’d rather I didn’t ruin the surprise, but look out for a series called Predator at the end of 2015.

Here are our pride.

And some Puku who weren’t so chuffed to see them…

And a Pallid Harrier – an unusual sighting in the Valley.

And finally, a few of the other characters who we encountered on our travels through the bush.