Last year, I announced that I was making a USD $5 per person per night donation to Conservation projects in the South Luangwa for the 2018 season. I wanted to ensure that my organisation supports the work that is done to protect the environment that I love to work in and that my business relies on.

I’m very pleased to say that I will continue the donations in 2019, and I’ll double them to USD $10pppn in 2020. I am also adding another beneficiary which will create a trio of very worthy causes; Conservation South Luangwa and BioCarbon Partners will be joined by Chipembele Wildlife Education Trust which is a conservation eduction centre based in the Luangwa Valley in Zambia. They have been educating and inspiring children about the environment – and the need to protect it – for over 20 years. Some of their alumni are now forging conservation careers of their own, including working for wildlife documentary companies and the Zambia Carnivore Programme.

I am proud to sponsor Chipembele’s work, alongside the efforts of protecting wildlife and forests in Luangwa, and I am sure we will see more students graduate from their programmes with bright futures in the conservation world.

It’s great to receive the certificate showing the credits that my company has bought from Biocarbon Partners and to know that these carbon emissions have been captured and protected.