It has been a wonderful year for Edward Selfe Photo Safaris. And I am thrilled with the prospects for 2019 and beyond. Thank you for following the journey. And to all of you who travelled with me, sincerest thanks for making the year what it was. I wish you all a very peaceful and joyful Christmas with your families.

As we go into the Festive period, I would like to spare a thought for scouts, patrols, wildlife police officers and conservationists the world over who will spend all or some of the coming 2 weeks protecting our Planet. To them, in whose hands the fate of the Natural World lies, I would like to say thank you and stay safe.

Wildlife image from photo safari with edward selfe in south luangwa national park.

I will be disconnecting over Christmas and will answer enquiries after the New Year. But I am still available for any urgent matters as always.