Back in June 2022, I hosted a 2 week Pan-Zambia tour visiting the Kafue, Lower Zambezi and South Luangwa National Parks. Andre Erlich joined me on that tour, bringing his wide range of travel experience, and highly-amusing stories, for the group to enjoy. He threw himself into the whole safari experience and engaged with everything the bush gave us. Of course, we had a blast, and he has kindly agreed to share some of his photos with me to put on this report. He also wrote the report below about the trip:

If you would like to see the rest of his images from the safari, please have a look here.

Over to Andre:

After over 2 years of Covid-provoked safari hiatus, this safari was my life saver. First time with Edward but certainly not the last, i.e. if he ever accepts me again!

The perfect choice of the time of the year for Busanga Plains and it’s misty sunrises made me discover and understand what Edward calls “animalscapes”. Simply unforgettable! No complaints neither about Lower Zambezi and South Luangwa with its generous display and occasional adrenaline-packed actions.

Edward is an excellent guide and tracker, with his senses always tuned to the chatter of the bush and has a precious gift of anticipating the actions so the vehicle is in the right position for superb photos.

Although I have been photographing on safaris (amateur) for over 16 years, I always learn new tricks and Edward is certainly a great educator in this domain. Without forgetting that he’s a fun person to be around and loves to play tricks on his guests, like getting the vehicle stuck in the mud, about 20 meters from a pride of lions, at nightfall…apparently he hires those lions just to test his guests’ courage.

All in all, a great safari, many memories and looking forward to the Emerald Season. Andre Erlich, Paris

Andre erlichs image of wildlife from photo safari with edward selfe in zambia.

Andre erlichs image of wildlife from photo safari with edward selfe in zambia.

Andre erlichs image of wildlife from photo safari with edward selfe in zambia.

Andre erlichs image of wildlife from photo safari with edward selfe in zambia.

Andre erlichs image of wildlife from photo safari with edward selfe in zambia.

Andre erlichs image of wildlife from photo safari with edward selfe in zambia.

Andre erlichs image of wildlife from photo safari with edward selfe in zambia.

Andre erlichs image of wildlife from photo safari with edward selfe in zambia.

Andre erlichs image of wildlife from photo safari with edward selfe in zambia.

Andre erlichs image of wildlife from photo safari with edward selfe in zambia.

Andre erlichs image of wildlife from photo safari with edward selfe in zambia.

Andre erlichs image of wildlife from photo safari with edward selfe in zambia.

Andre erlichs image of wildlife from photo safari with edward selfe in zambia.