Dr Thomas – affectionately known as “Doc” on our trip since we had two guests called Dr Thomas! – joined me in September for what became one of the outstanding trips of the year. Doc is an accomplished photographer so I enjoyed working with him and helping him build up a great portfolio of shots. He has kindly written a short summary of his trip with me, and sent me a few of (very) many great photos that he took in South Luangwa.

“Having visited Africa a number of times and with several different guides I can state without hesitation that Edward Selfe is one of the very best. He is extremely knowledgeable about both animal behavior and photography. If you’ve ever traveled on a standard tour you can’t imagine the difference. Ed will periodically stop the landcruiser, listen to the animal sounds, and then veer off because of squirrel chatter or bird calls. It might take ten minutes or more, but then he’ll locate the leopard or other large predator that was the cause of the disturbance. With almost every other guide they would simply have kept on going. Even better, once he’s located the predator Ed will search the environment and get you into position for not just ‘a quick photograph,’ but the best possible shot. Having spent over a week with Ed I came away not only with impressive pictures, but an outstanding regard for the photographer I was traveling with.”

Dr Thomas Lehman, USA

Thank you Tom! Very kind words and I am thrilled that you had a great time in the Luangwa. I know you have many places on your travelling list, but I hope our paths cross again one day! I am sure everyone will enjoy the photos below.