Mike White has become a familiar name on my safari website. This is his 4th trip with me in as many years. Having a large number of repeat guests is a massive positive for me and I’m so grateful to them for their support and to the South Luangwa for continually rewarding us with incredible sightings. Over to Mike to tell you about 2019’s trip:

“This July was my fourth year in a row on safari with Ed. Having had some fantastic sightings in previous years (and particularly last year, wild dogs hunting etc) I was slightly nervous before the trip that it might somehow not live up to my expectations. As usual there was nothing to worry about and South Luangwa served up numerous special moments. For me though, the thing that was different this year is that I was really relaxed about what we saw. Perhaps this was because in the previous three years I had mentally ticked off in my mind most of the things I thought I had wanted to see.

So this year, all I wanted was to be out in the bush photographing the wildlife we either happened upon, or Ed expertly guided us to, in good light, and with some interesting compositions. So it was less about action, which of course there was anyway, and more about the beautiful landscape and animals that inhabit it. In my view this more relaxed approach makes for a far more enjoyable trip. There were many highlights this year , but for me the one that sticks in my mind the most was seeing a group of elephants coming down to a lagoon and then crossing it, in the beautiful pink light of the early morning. It was a truly special moment that the photos don’t really do justice to.

I’ll finish by saying that this was going to be my last trip with Ed, on the basis that I must have seen most of what South Luangwa has to offer but, having had another exceptional trip, I’ve decided to return again next year!

Ed, thank you again for another tremendous week and see you next year.”