Kathy joined me on a photo safari with husband Gordon and two friends. This was her 4th safari with me and, once again, this kind of repeat custom is something that I value very highly, and am thankful for. Thank you to Kathy & Gordon, and all my other guests who have travelled with me many times, for being great supporters and for sharing my love of Zambia and all that it offers.

Kathy has written a few words below and shared some of their favourite photos. You can find more of them on their website. Over to you Kathy:

In August/September we had the pleasure of going on our 4th photo safari with Edward. This go around was a 14-night adventure – 6 nights in Lower Zambezi (Chula Island and Kutali) and 8 nights in South Luangwa (Nsefu and Lion Camp). Before Zambia, we spent 6 nights in Rwanda and after our time with Edward we spent an additional 6 nights in the southern portion of South Luangwa. Joining us on this adventure were our good friends Don and Kathy Marianos.

When our safari was complete and we were relaxing around the pool at Latitude 15 in Lusaka, Kathy P. summarized our experience with Edward in one sentence – “I will never go on another safari without Ed.” From an amateur photographer’s perspective, having a professional assess the situation, place the vehicle, and find photo ops when the predators aren’t around is essential. While our guide on the final 6 nights without Edward was a good wildlife guide, he did not understand photography and trying to tell him where to position the vehicle was difficult and stressful (especially since we didn’t always know the best position). One of the things we like about traveling with Edward is that we don’t have to think – Ed does all the work, and we get to relax, enjoy the experience, and press the shutter button. Don & Kathy have already scheduled another trip with Ed in 2024 and we hope to return in 2025.

Trip highlights included some wonderful sunset/sunrise photo ops, wild dogs, leopards, lions, birds, elephants, hippos, and more. Those were the photo highlights but a trip with Ed includes other highlights – talking around the campfire, laughing, wonderful camp staff, great food, and learning how to “listen to the bush”. I’m including a few of our favorite photos from this trip.

Image from pan-zambia photo safari by phox images

Image from pan-zambia photo safari by phox images

Image from pan-zambia photo safari by phox images

Image from pan-zambia photo safari by phox images

Image from pan-zambia photo safari by phox images

Image from pan-zambia photo safari by phox images

Image from pan-zambia photo safari by phox images

Image from pan-zambia photo safari by phox images

Image from pan-zambia photo safari by phox images

Image from pan-zambia photo safari by phox images

Image from pan-zambia photo safari by phox images

Image from pan-zambia photo safari by phox images

Image from pan-zambia photo safari by phox images