Eric only took up photography a few years ago but has fast acquired a good range of skills, and a good grasp of his camera. He made the best use of the trip and I’m hoping that some of his best shots (which he is holding back!) will be winners in his camera club competitions! He has a good eye for the unusual and frames his shots in interesting ways. He and Jill had buckets of enthusiasm and energy and we all enjoyed their company.

Once again, Ed, thank you for your enthusiasm and patience on our safari – it certainly enhanced our enjoyment of our Luangwa experience and we came away with a head full of memories and full camera cards.

Jill joined the trip without a camera, which is also allowed!! In fact, I take pride in offering safaris that are as much a wildlife experience as a photographic one, so I encourage wives/husbands/partners who are not photographers to join us. Bring a good pair of binoculars and enjoy the view; after all the place I choose to stop for great photos is usually the best place to watch from as well! And since photo safaris often involve waiting for situations to unfold, you will enjoy more time at each sighting than you would with other safaris.

Thanks Ed for a fabulous trip; it was everything we hoped for and more. As a non photographer I had the most amazing time. With a good pair of binoculars I had the privilege of observing the most fantastic animal behaviour. As the photographers considered F stops and exposure compensation I was absorbed by the most amazing scenes. Unlike general safaris you gave us plenty of time with each animal group; time to really appreciate what was before me. You have excellent knowledge of the animals, as groups and individually, which added to the whole experience. Thank you so much.

Thank you both; it was a pleasure having you on board for a week in the Luangwa. And now to Eric’s photos: