Just back from 2 weeks of filming lions in the North Luangwa National Park for a series on Predators for a big international broadcaster.

My next photo safari starts this afternoon, so I don’t have time to write much, but here are some photos! I only had my short telephoto lens, so there are some photos that include more landscape than I would like!

Initially the lions were very shy and we struggled to get close to them, but they soon settled down and we could drive amongst them.

As always, there are beautiful sunsets in the Luangwa.

When they killed this zebra, we had to bash through hundreds of meters of scrub to find them.

And on the same day, one of the two males started mating with a female.

The following morning, we found the youngsters milling around near the river, and the adults pushing a buffalo herd towards the river. Lots of tension and excitement.

In the end, the buffaloes ran into the water, and the lions had to settle down and wait.

But then the herd rushed out of the water as a unit and chased the lions from the water’s edge.

One morning, I saw some Sandgrouse chicks resting on the road, so we got out and moved them so they wouldn’t be squashed.

My final morning, the pride crossed the shallow river and started to hunt around a drinking point.