We started off with a rather sad sight – this baboon appears to have a skin condition which has caused him to lose all his hair. I suspected that he would be very thin, but his condition was good and he didn’t appear to be bullied by the others. I suspect he might struggle in the direct sunlight, especially with that area of pale skin on his back. If we see him again, we will report on his progress!

On to happier things. There are little patches of Red-top grass in seed at the moment, giving splashes of colour in the otherwise-green sea of mixed grass types. Zebras especially, but any of the grazers in fact, look great when placed up against this puddle of warm red.

And Sukey’s cries of ‘zebba’ might have explained this male’s sudden interest in our vehicle.

As the light fell, a bull elephant made tracks towards an Acacia with intent to strip more of its bark….

….and a big male leopard spied us from his leafy hide-out.

Heading home, with our spotlight, we were able to pick out a Pel’s fishing owl over one of the seasonal lagoons sitting in his favourite spot where I’ve see him several times. He watched for a second before taking to a higher branch.