Here’s a taste of what’s going on now!

The sky is blue, the grass is green, and everything is vibrant and healthy. It’s also very humid and the birds are noisy in the trees.

All the trees have grown new leaves, and there are little ‘windows’ into the bush everywhere. Fat impalas feed on the new grass.

The elephants are probably happiest of all, having suffered heavily through the shortages of last year. They are looking fat and have a swagger that we’ve not seen since the lupunga grass (an aquatic, proteinrich grass that fills the lagoons at this time of year) was in flower a year ago.

This young bull approached me and then caught sight of a mongoose in the grass. Full of energy and with few concerns, he decided to show it who was boss and proceeded to give it a few short charges to make sure it got the message!

Having had his fun, he settled back into feeding in the long grass.

Finding their territories transformed into a long-grass dambo, this male puku was wary of unseen predators approaching in the cover of the vegetation.

Near Mfuwe Lodge, I found a giraffe standing observing me near the road.

And a little herd of zebras were approaching the water hole nearby. A couple of the youngsters were playing silly games at the back!

On my way home, when the heat was starting to build, I tried to get a sharp focus on the head of this beautiful Guinea Fowl among the long grass shoots.