I went up there yesterday to have a look around and see what the game has been doing while we’ve been away. We were out most of the day, so at times the light was very poor for photography, but during the morning and evening, I took some shots which I’m posting here.

The first subject was a very relaxed Pied Kingfisher who simply sat on his twig and allowed me to approach very close…

Next up, we found some Kudu heading to the water along the Kauluzi River. They never bunched together so that I could photograph them all, but I was able to shoot some pics of the young male.

As the light was dropping, some impala arranged themselves nicely along an old termite mound…

And best of all, towards the end of the day, we came across 3 Eland near the camp. Only one stood for a photo, but I liked the shot of the animal in its environment. An E-land-scape perhaps?